Scott Fukami's 1 on 1, 2 on 1, etc ... drill collection:

The drills contained in this collection are a variety of drills which use all of the different combinations: 1 on 1, 2 on 1, 3 on 2 etc.

The drills are broken down into two sub-categories, flow and transition drills and simulate game situations in all three zones. Most drills are to be done "both ends at the same time". The emphasis is on drills that utilize as much ice as possible and have as many players as possible doing the drill rather than watching. The drills can then be run for a shorter amount of time and the practice time fully utilized.

Some of the drills are progression drills. They get progressively more challenging and/or turn from a 1 on 1 to a 2 on 1, etc. Many of the drills include drill subsets; drill set-up is the same, but the actual drill is different, so you can run 2 or 3 drills from the same set-up.

There is 100 drills included but some of them are presented with different variations and progressions (as additional sequences) which brings the total to 140 drills.

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